More About Books … or Just More Books

Marie Kondo

Much is being said and debated about Marie Kondo’s comment (of the life-changing magic of tidying up fame) that one should have only thirty books, and those few, only if they “spark joy.” That comment has since been exposed as not at all what Marie Kondo said, but a giant social media brouhaha that lasted about thirty seconds.

Many who have visited my book-laden apartment and others who’ve heard me lament the overcrowded shelves, the stacks on most every flat surface, including the floor in front of those aforementioned shelves—know and accept that I have a love affair with books. Perhaps not a healthy, balanced relationship, but one that is slightly obsessive and has no real boundaries. In this, I am not unlike most of my writers friends.

But what are we to do?

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Dare I Call Myself “Writer”?

All my life, since I can remember, I wanted to be a writer. Dreaming myself “Brenda Starr, Reporter” after that beautiful woman with voluptuous red hair, who, in the Sunday comics traveled the world to exotic places, chasing after stories for her newspaper. There was also a mysterious man—Basil St. John, who wore a patch over one eye and raised black orchids.

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