Approaching the Substantial — How to Write About People, Places, and Things

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted by: Judy
San Diego Writers, Ink

Details about Approaching the Substantial — How to Write About People, Places, and Things


Stories are made up of many elements—some intangible: theme, plot, POV, voice, tone; and some tangible: people, places, and things. In this three-part workshop, we’ll deal with the latter. How do we write about people—both real and fictional? How do we bring the world of our stories alive—either creating a fictional one or placing ourselves or our characters in a world that already exists? How do we animate the inanimate—using things to tell a story or writing about things that tell a story? Through examples and exercises, writers of both fiction and nonfiction will explore the world of the substantial. Our goal: to create writing that balances the tangible with the intangible for more vivid storytelling.

Approaching the Substantial — How to Write About People, Places, and Things