Holy Blazing Laptops!

Here comes San Diego Writers, Ink 10th Annual Blazing Laptops Write-a-thon and, lucky me, I’ve been a part of every single one of them—as a participant (8 times), as a donor (9 times), and as an organizer (more than a few). This year I’m wearing all three hats!

Every year, dozens of writers gather for the all-day write-a-thon madness, recruiting sponsors who support them through pledges. All the funds raised all go to SD Writers, Ink, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

This year, Steve Montgomery and I are co-chairs of the event that’s set to take place at Writers, Ink on Sunday, May 21. One of the fun ideas we came up with to crank up the heat is the “Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire, Two Lies and a Truth” Video Challenge.

You’ve probably played a version of the two-lies-and-a-truth game at some time in your life. Our idea is for those who accept the challenge, to create a video of themselves telling their two lies and a truth and to challenge three other people to do the same. If the challengees don’t respond with a video of their own within forty-eight hours, they must pledge to my fundraising page at the Blazing Laptops website.

Want to play? Instead of just three challengees, I’m challenging everyone who reads this blog post to create a “Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire, Two Lies and a Truth” video and to challenge three of your friends to create their video.

You can see my video, and some of the others, including co-chair Steve Montgomery, my daughter Amy Boyd, and comedian and singer/songwriter Lisa Koch, at our YouTube channel here. And you can find out more about the “Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire, Two Lies and a Truth Video Challenge” and our 10th Annual Blazing Laptops Write-a-thon here.

Even if you don’t take my challenge to make your own video, you can still be a part of this great fundraiser by joining as a participant, or by sponsoring me or another writer or team.

Come blaze with us at our 10th Annual Blazing Laptops Write-a-thon.