A Poem a Day

National Poetry Month starts today and many writers are joining NaPoWriMo and writing a poem a day. While I do write poetry on occasion, (more like sometimes I am graced by a poem), I won’t attempt to write a new poem every day. Instead, my commitment is to read a new poem every day for the month of April. Each day a different poet.

I think I’ll just close my eyes and let the Muse choose a book from my bookshelves each morning. I’ll post the titles of both the book and the poem and maybe a line or two on my Facebook page.


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Writing Yourself as Character

Last night in our Wild Women, Wild Voices writing group, our focus was on Body Writing: Voice of the Senses. The session included several writing explorations, and as always, there wasn’t enough time to write all we wanted to write, discuss all we wanted to discuss, and share all we wanted to share.

One of our writing exercises, which I hadn’t done in a group before and which I found more than a little interesting, was to write a character description of ourselves.

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Notes from My Travel Journal

I’ve just returned from a glorious journey to Paris and Barcelona, still a little jet-lagged and recovering from a terrible cold that assaulted me our last night in Barcelona. I’m afraid I was one of those people on the airplane we all dread: the one with the red-tipped nose and a box of Kleenex in her lap.

Before I left, I posted a blog about keeping a travel journal. Most everyone who knows me, knows I am a life-long, dedicated journal keeper and that my every journey is detailed, recorded, re-lived through the pages of my journals. I thought it would be fun to share some of my travel notes and photos. Here’s a partial journal entry from early in the trip, along with some photos:

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