Just Released . . . and are we excited!

The Lively Muse
Daily Appointment Calendar for Writers
Featuring A Writing Prompt for Every Day

Finally, a desk calendar that’s devoted exclusively to your daily writing practice. No matter how many meetings, appointments and “to-dos” you have on your various iCals, Google calendars, wall calendars, desk calendars, calendars magneted to your refrigerator, and written in ink on the palm of your hand, The Lively Muse’s Daily Appointment Calendar for Writers will keep your writing date front and foremost, where it should be.

We know some writers need a little help getting started. That’s why we’ve provided a prompt for every day. Just like the prompts in the original A Writer’s Book of Days and the Revised Edition released in 2010, the all-new prompts in the Daily Appointment Calendar for Writers are guaranteed fresh, guaranteed evocative, and guaranteed to get the pen moving or the fingers flying.

Here’s a preview of a calendar page with a sampling of the prompts that are waiting for you to do with as you will. Who knows what might come once you start writing.

Already got a project working? Use the daily prompts to create material for your work-in-progress. Writers we know have completed drafts of their novels, penned whole sections of their memoirs and created scene upon scene for stories, working with such prompts.

The calendar is perpetual, too, which means you can start anytime, anywhere, and it’s filled with tips and ideas, quotes that inspire and inform, literary facts and features and other notes of writerly interest.

We’re downright excited about this newest release from the Lively Muse and hope you will be, too. If you’ve got a writing practice that enables you to be the kind of writer you want to be, that is, you’re a writer who writes, that makes Judy one happy writing practice provocateur, and the world will be all the richer for the stories you will write.

Click here to find out more about the Daily Appointment Calendar for Writers, and order your copy now. Order some for your writing friends, too, and make some dates to write together.

8 thoughts on “Just Released . . . and are we excited!

  1. No but I am sure he was one of yours because when I smashed it with my sore left hand I saw stars and stripes.

  2. Judy I gotta tell ya, this morning while I sat with Days and my notebook there came to visit a fungus gnat (#$@$#&!!!) who insisted on landing on your book. S/he was looking at it and my notebook too. This great hunter had to struggle for possession of my WriteBros pen with one hand and smash the little ____ with the other. The hunter missed her mark so the little student is still out there. You have room in your studio? I will send it as soon as I can get a cage big enough to send by courier.

  3. Sorry about the foregoing comment — I was just learning how to make my computer do what I want instead of what it wants. Do I get a crown? Or does it get crowned.

    Judy your newest offering looks delicious and I will be buying it stat. Do you have a section for stupid computers?

    • Really, you know how to make your computer do what you want it to. I’m still working on that one. Thanks for the compliments on the newest. I hope you like it and it evokes many fine writing sessions.

  4. Bravo, judy! I’ve ordered mine from lulu.com and it shipped yesterday. Look forward to sharing another year with you (from afar, but not so far).

    • Thanks, Camille, for commenting and for ordering the Calendar. I hope you like it and the prompts tickle your pen into performing some tricks on the page.

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